Recent content by 3InchScrew

  1. 3

    2 bagseed 1 cheese, 2x 65W cfl

    there looking alrite just let them dry out a good bit. when you let it dry out feel how lite the pots are, the easiest way to know when to water is by the weight of the pot imo. also when u let it dry up a good bit it makes the roots stretch out more looking for water. more roots = more buds.
  2. 3

    Need some help with first grow xD

    whats wrong with growing in a pc box, ive done it and got an ounce of some sweet homegrown. some ppl have limited space and thats all they can use. it can be hard to do but it can also be very worth it. and yes that set up seems like it should work
  3. 3

    Grow Box design

    i would deff go with a single 250 then the 2 150s, its going to be a pain to keep it cool with the 2 lights, how loud can your ventilation be? where is the box going to be, a hot or cold area? do you need a carbon scrubber? these are all factors u need to think about when designing a well made...
  4. 3


    hello everyone im not to new here but i decided to make an account finally. RoorRip
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