Recent content by 4N20Blackbird

  1. 4N20Blackbird

    A Cooling Effect From Cannabis?

    I think this is a part why the hard laboring Mexicans use it. They deal with high heat and have to have something to wind down after a long day of hard labor.
  2. 4N20Blackbird

    No, Colorado Isn't Releasing People Imprisoned For Pot Crimes. But Why The Hell Not?

    Re: No, Colorado Isn't Releasing People Imprisoned For Pot Crimes. But Why The Hell N Politics....all politics. Sometimes I feel I could put my foot so far up the establishment's backside, it would look like I have shoes polish on the toe of my shoe!
  3. 4N20Blackbird

    How has Cannabis helped you?

    Holy crap! There is a clone of me walking around out there! This is why I am super-hero 4n20 Blackbird. My mission: To slickly go out and kick the asses of dishonest congressman and senators. My sidekick is Sparrow.
  4. 4N20Blackbird

    Pre-Surgery use?

    Thank you.
  5. 4N20Blackbird

    On Social Security Disability and applying for a Michigan Medical Cannabis Card?

    No longer will you get a discount. Please read the application very carefully. They have cut us off the discount, the rotten SOB's. I was rejected because I sent in the usual $25.00, same as the past 3 years. I received the notice I was denied. I called the State Of Michigan and spoke to a...
  6. 4N20Blackbird

    Pre-Surgery use?

    Count, Talk to your surgeon! This no place to ask that question, as your surgeon is the #1 advice giver. I hope your operation is successful. I am going to have my neck operated on this Thursday. Peace.
  7. 4N20Blackbird

    Prices around the world

    A local dispensary charged me $135.00 for 1/4 ounce of Deathstar, an indica strain. I was in great pain and that **ick took advantage of me.
  8. 4N20Blackbird

    We Are Blind

    A good medicine indeed!
  9. 4N20Blackbird

    Using a Vaporizer

    Additionally I have experienced that too. Once it sits a while and dries in the glass cannabis holder with your Vaporizer on 372 degrees, it will eventually start to vape and it does real well! Actually, I like it when my cannabis is a little sticky. Those who do not, lay it out at room temp on...
  10. 4N20Blackbird

    Caregiver Prices

    I wish I could get someone who grows outdoors and grows the strain HOG. That strain helps my pain the best. My former caregiver was supplying me with this strain, until things went South with the police, during the "we will not accept what the voters of Michigan have passed" period. Pisses me of.
  11. 4N20Blackbird

    Caregiver Prices

    Um, I do not get that, can you please rephrase it?
  12. 4N20Blackbird

    Relationship between Caregiver and Patient

    Buzzy, If that happens and you drop your caregiver, please Personal Message me and let me know if he/she will take me on in place of you. Or, is there a chance your caregiver is taking on additional patients right now? Please respond through personal message only. You will find it by clicking on...
  13. 4N20Blackbird

    Indica vs Sativa - anxiety

    Indica is the best for pain and for anxiety. I love the strain HOG. I hear that The White is good too. Wish I could get them.
  14. 4N20Blackbird

    Relationship between Caregiver and Patient

    Dang...I am from Michigan too. Where did you find a deal like that? I would LOVE to have your caregiver.
  15. 4N20Blackbird

    Looking for sleepy without the high

    You must have an Indica strain like HOG. Try that and see if it helps you sleep. Do not use sativa or sativa/indica strains. Hope this helps.
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