Recent content by AnnaDoses

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    Anna from Seattle is stressed out :)

    Seriously our state government has gone crazy. Some of the activists sold out and screwed the farmers and patients. So I'm sitting here smoking tree after tree and packing my stuff. I'm out. I look forward to meeting people in Colorado on 420 :) :Namaste:
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    Canada - Hemp Industry Asks Feds For Deregulation

    Speaking of hemp (and anger management sessions) check this out: And Another Thing... | Rant and Learn
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    Canada - Hemp Industry Asks Feds For Deregulation

    America is so far behind everyone else :( We've lost our mojo while other countries cash in.
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    Colorado Springs Area Mom Paige Figi On A Mission For Medical Marijuana

    Every last mother, father, and grandparent in the United States needs to have this womans' back. What if this were *your* kid?
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    Oregon Marijuana Dispensary Opens By Giving Away Basil

    Oregon is awesome :) Thank you
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    California May Become Third State To Legalize Weed, Surprise!

    It's an ongoing thing with American politicians Top 10 Richest US Senators' Top Stock Trades in 2007 - Insider Trading by Congress - The STOCK Act was written to try to stop folk in congress from acting out with stock manipulation but the people in congress just keep passing backdoor...
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    State-Owned Bank Won't Work For Marijuana Cash

    The politicians and bankers know it but they want the tens of billions*only* for themselves and their rich friends. Sharing money with anyone else, especially income-challenged patients or small businesses, just isn't an option for them. They can't have poor people or small businesses being...
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    Confronting The Stigma Of Medical Marijuana

    At this point I think many people are just morons. No matter how much research is provided they either can't understand the information, don't know how to use it, or are to lazy to get help with it. It's frustrating that millions of American taxpayers are spending millions in out-of-pocket...
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    Florida: Pollsters Asked About Medical Marijuana

    It's a miracle. Maybe the Florida folks will stop with the bath salts,meth, and face-eating for a change.
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    Colorado - Employers Can Still Fire Pot Smokers For Legal Use

    Yet they don't worry about the anti-depressant or Adderall-taking tweakers who might (and regularly do) come into work and shoot all of their coworkers in a rage.
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    Pueblo Retailer Readies For Pot's Big Day

    I can't wait to visit Colorado. Road trip anyone?
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    California May Become Third State To Legalize Weed, Surprise!

    I will believe it when I see it.Boxer and Feinstein love their stocks from the chemical med companies too much to let regular mom and pop dispensaries take their pharma dollars from them(unless they already secretly have their MMJ patents) @Felenari never give your money to vote signature...
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    State-Owned Bank Won't Work For Marijuana Cash

    That's because they're all bent over servicing the Big Ag beer-hops industry and the Chinese big pharma chemical med companies. They know what side their bread is buttered on. It will be interesting to see them whine and beg to get on the MMJ bandwagon when things go nationwide.
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    Industrial Hemp Is More Efficient, More Valuable Than Cotton

    It's amazing that many people still don't know this. How many thousands of people could be at work right now growing hemp?
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