Recent content by CaluReevs

  1. C

    Can you help me?

    I watered yesterday (less than half a liter) but it was almost a week that I wasn't watering.
  2. C

    Can you help me?

    Hello everyone, for several days the leaves of my plant have started to appear in this way, they seem almost deformed but there have been no slowdowns or other problems. At the beginning I exaggerated with irrigation and luckily I realized it in time. But now I'm watering the right and I don't...
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  6. C

    Hi guys, can you help me?

    Hi guys, i'm back. It's been five days no watering and this is the result. The baby is bigger and it seems healtier but not at all. Today I will not water because the soil is still wet (almost dry, but under soil is still a little wet). I think tomorrow or wednesday i will water the soil but i...
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  11. C

    Hi guys, can you help me?

    Thank you!! I will try not to water for a few days, today I still gave a drink in a moment of confusion and panic, but from tomorrow zero water until it dries up. I will keep you updated, good day and thanks again!!!!
  12. C

    Hi guys, can you help me?

    I use the potting soil purchased in a cannabis grow shop which should guarantee essential nutrients for a while. I added banana peel yesterday and coffee grounds today. I don't want to buy nutrients until flowering because I would like to prepare nutrients myself. I use the classic bulb LEDs...
  13. C

    Hi guys, can you help me?

  14. C

    Hi guys, can you help me?

    Hi guys, it's been a few days and the plant begins to show some yellow streaks. It also appears that the leaves are curling up. Can you tell me what is due and above all how to act?
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