Recent content by chinaXhirollr

  1. DSCF32211


  2. DSCF32132


  3. clones


  4. clones


  5. chinaXhirollr

    Can a homemade worm casting/compost tea compare to VooDoo Juice?

    Your asking for someones secret recipe. It will cost you exactly one arm. One Leg. Not to be a German Helmet. If you knew the secret recipe to growing after so many years of trials and error. Would you really give it to the free market? Or rather make it a recipe / product and sell it on ebay...
  6. chinaXhirollr

    DIY HighRoller Status

    Sorry I took so long to upload pictures. I was Ip blocked this morning for some reason. What Dah Fuh...
  7. DSCF31354


  8. DSCF31321


  9. DSCF28631


  10. Solar storm 880

    Solar storm 880

  11. solar storm 880

    solar storm 880

  12. 3x3 Ebb and flood

    3x3 Ebb and flood

  13. Outdoor Cultivation

    Outdoor Cultivation

  14. Koi Pond Part 3

    Koi Pond Part 3

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