Recent content by CLiB

  1. CLiB

    Hello from CT

    Them keyboard enthusiasts pay out the ass for that sh*t... especially that ganja key...
  2. CLiB

    Hello from CT

    Thanks man, glad to join the community... If you're thinking of this forum, then you'd be right. It has quite the reputation...
  3. CLiB

    Hello from CT

    Hey, I'm new here. Nice forum... fancier than the one I am accustomed to. All you guys need to know about me is that I am a major nerd, as well as a major marijuana enthusiast. And just to prove my point: Above image is of the Esc key on my keyboard. -CLiB
  4. CLiB

    New here, need to pass a drug test

    Hello all! I am new to this forum, and joined to get some advice on passing a drug test. To make this easier, I will share a little bit about myself. I first smoked with my cousin almost two years ago. I didn't really smoke at all after that, but then about a year and a half ago I started...
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