Recent content by DalMonk

  1. D

    We Need to Get Smart About Marijuana

    hahahaha, what the fuck?! that was the most rambling, nonsensical rant I've ever seen, how blazed were you when you wrote that?
  2. D

    OPINION: New Law Brings Sanity To Marijuana Enforcement

    Shame that this gives counties the right to decide whether to enforce absurd marijuana laws or not as I'm sure many of them still will for the sheer hell of it, however for Texas this is a major step forward.
  3. D

    Survey Says...

    Haha, word, 98% use less marijuana that me as well. Best part was when they asked me to guess what percentage use more marijuana than me I guessed 2%, damn I'm good.
  4. D

    California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008

    More steps in the right direction. Really fucking good to hear.
  5. D

    Bong water and plants

    Heh, yeah, especially considering that THC isn't water soluble in the first place, but it would be a great way to make your plants smell really bad...
  6. D

    Need your help (Don't worry this is easy)

    I'm pretty sure there's a fairly complete list here
  7. D

    Comment by 'DalMonk' in media 'Da Fatty'

    This is the best thing I've ever seen...
  8. D

    Arrests Follow Berkeley Marijuana Cookie Party

    No kidding, I think they would have done much better to have just eatten the cookies themselves. Wouldn't be arrested now either.
  9. D

    Talking Dope with the President

    It was a fictional interview. Pretty funny nonetheless.
  10. D

    Italy Relaxes Cannabis Laws

    Heh, they're making this big of a deal over the doubling of 500 mgs to 1 gram. Really useful...
  11. D

    Making a Light Bulb Vap

    I really don't think the wattage makes any difference.
  12. D

    Poll - Best Eye Drops?

    Re: Poll: Best eyedrops?? Just be careful with how regularly you use them, my Mom is an optometrist and apparently frequent usage of these drops can cause various ocular maladies. I'd stick with something safer, my preference has always been Clear Eyes, works just as well without any...
  13. D


    I'd personally take Clear Eyes over Visine any day. There've been occasions when I've needed my eyes to clear up and I put Visine in and it's done nothing for me. Rarely run into this problem with Clear Eyes. Also I've used Naphcon A I believe it's called, my friends complain that it burns...
  14. D

    Complimenting Bud

    Heh, I once had a Tootsie roll in my mouth while smoking and as it turned out I really enjoyed the combination of flavors, then again I like chocolate Phillies. Also earl grey tea seems to be an interesting flavor combination, though only if it's cold out.
  15. D


    I guess it was the week before last (spring break) when I tried this. After being disgusted with the minimal high I was feeling from smoking several times a day for a couple of weeks I decided I wanted to make some cannabis edibles. I've made brownies many times but I find that I have to eat...
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