Recent content by davidbarra

  1. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    I see what ya mean, but i dont like to change the pots so many times, i think its allot better if you put your plant in a medium sized pot then depending on how long you plan to keep them in veg, then i work out how big a pot i wana use, from experience changing pots too often can stunt growth...
  2. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    Also the temperature is in degrees Celsius.
  3. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    Ow and the soil im using is just what i could get my hands on locally, these seedlings are only in these pots to get established, i have used this soil before with no problems, i checked the ph levels all under 6.0 ive gotta say i cant wait for these babies to have a nice root system on them id...
  4. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    I dunno ive been doing this now for ten years, started in uk and always got my seeds from pick n mix, used to grow under 1000 watt hps, then i moved to australia two years ago, ordered my seeds from a different seedbank, all the seeds i got for my mates last year, didnt happen, so i might change...
  5. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    Thanks mate, yeah thay look healthy to me too but i haven't seen such color stems and they seem to be behaving just like my last unsuccessful attempt, they went fine then at about 4 days after they emerge out from the soil, they just stop growing and begin to shrink from the stem upwards...
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    not growing
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    not growing
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    not growing
  9. D

    My seedlings wont grow and have purple stems. help

    I baught my seeds from what i thought was a good seedbank demonseeds. Im not a inexperienced grower so i cant understand why this is happening I planted 3 xJack Herer and 3 xWhite Widow 2 weeks ago, they sprouted into lovely looking sproutling's. Thay grew to about a inch 3cm tall in 5...
  10. D

    Week old sprouts stunted and purple, Help!

    Hay i am having exacly the same issues. my seeds sprouted over a week ago and there bearly a inch tall, and a purple stems, this is on all 6 of my babys, seeds were ordered from demon seeds, dunno if there a good seed bank, but this has hapend to my last purchase of seeds, thay grew about 2 inch...
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