Recent content by Djchaldo

  1. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    i hate joints if u dont use a filter. u get res ew.
  2. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    i baught myself a glass bong i hit 6 bowls and 2 popers today!
  3. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    Lol I hear ya but in the US , you guys dont have the same cigerattes as we do. you have like 8 brands we have like 14 - 15
  4. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    im guessing you dont smoke cigerattes?
  5. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    Lawl baught a glass bonggg beauty <3
  6. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    i smoked a glass bong amazing. i hate water bottle bongs to cussty.
  7. D

    Super Blunt?

    ^^ Agreed. It would take massive time!
  8. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    i dont like bongs as much. Fucks up my throat. Talkn about water bottle bongs. I LOVE GLASS BONGS (L)
  9. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    yes! there amazinggggg Chocolate Philly <3
  10. D

    Super Blunt?

    Fuck tho now i gta order it online w.e it will be sweet once i get it~!
  11. D

    Super Blunt?

    Thank you " The Weed " I love this site already and Borune Thank you!
  12. D

    Which Would You Prefer?

    Blunts , Bongs , Or Zig Zags? Blunts . Zigs when i dont have nything else to use.
  13. D

    Super Blunt?

    im sorry guys i dont know which section to put this in. but does anyone know where i can get a super blunt in Toronto, Vaughan Ontario. Im sorry again if im in the wrong section
  14. D

    I dont Know?

    yeye I've been doing thatt Thank You!
  15. D

    I dont Know?

    I cant sleep , but whenever i get high i can sleep like a baby if im sober i cant sleep it will take me 2 hours to fall asleep what should i do?
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