Recent content by Doughnut

  1. Doughnut

    Brown leaf spots

    I'll try to post another pic later. Yes it's kinda pale. I'm also thinking maybe the ferts are nearing exhaustion. But as of today no more spots emerge. The plant still pale green but growing faster than before. I also lift the lights 2 inches above. Lower leaves are curling and dark but the...
  2. Doughnut

    Brown leaf spots

    Hey there CO finest. Thanks for the info. Actually you have a point. I'll just closely monitor if some spots still emerge. I'm spraying water on my plants before but only this time some spot emerged.
  3. Doughnut

    Brown leaf spots

    Hi there pbass! Thanks for correcting me with the spot color. I just hope it's not leaf septoria. But in case it is I already sprayed fungicide on my plant. I'm using 30w LED and soilless mix as my growing medium. Nutes are already in the soilless mix. Only one side of the plant is affected...
  4. Doughnut

    Brown leaf spots

    Hello there sctanley007. I guess this would help. Grow area: 2x2 sqm Lights: 2 15w led cool white Temp:26 celsius Humidity:60% Strain:unknown sativa dominant strain Age: 45 days Medium: soilless mix with slow release ferts Fert: not using since soilless mix has it already I already quarantined...
  5. Doughnut

    Brown leaf spots

    Hello there guys! New member here from the PH. I just want to ask what might be the problem of my plant. You can see in the pic the brown spots. Grown in soilless mix. Temp is around 25-27 Celsius. Humidity is 60-70%. I researched the web and couldn't find what seems to be the problem. Any...
  6. IMG_20190319_200020.jpg


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