Recent content by Dreamsinlove

  1. D

    CBD while on blood thinners?

    Yeah, I've read that a few places too. I'm going to talk to a hemotologist about it- hopefully soon! I would love nothing more than to get off of these meds... except to not have another clot. That's #1 lol It's kind of a sticky situation.. It's like when you see a commercial with all of the...
  2. D

    CBD while on blood thinners?

    Thanks for the response. I did call my pharmacist, and he just said that there were not enough studies done for him to be able to give advice other way. I keep running into dead ends. It's a little disheartening.
  3. D

    CBD while on blood thinners?

    Hi guys! I am also on Xeralto from pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) but they don't know the cause so ill unfortunately be on blood thinners for life. I'm really wanting to try CBD oil but not sure if it's safe with the Xeralto. I'm not wanting to have any issues with metabolizing...
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