Recent content by Erinn

  1. Erinn

    Worm castings

    Thank you!
  2. Erinn

    Worm castings

    Did a little reading, and found this from The Cannabis Training University website---- For young cannabis plants just starting to grow, which in home or commercial gardens is either cutting from mother plants (clones) or seedlings, there is evidence that soil rich in earthworm castings promotes...
  3. Erinn

    Worm castings

    Just curious if it would be beneficial to throw in a couple of handfuls to my promix (on my next grow, not current one) or would that be to much nutrient wise?
  4. Erinn

    Cannabis Bonsai

    Takes abit of time to manipulate the stalk...interesting video for sure.
  5. Erinn

    Cannabis Bonsai

  6. actual-bonsai-marijuana.jpg


  7. Erinn

    Cannabis Bonsai

    Just watched a neat video on YouTube on how to make one, looks really cool...anyone out there tried this?
  8. Erinn

    First time grower

    Gave them a reallll good feeding, they have perked up nicely. Thanks for the advice!:)
  9. Erinn

    First time grower

    Thank you for your help:)
  10. Erinn

    First time grower

    since planted, Mar 13th
  11. Erinn

    First time grower

    preparing the mixture right now, In all honesty, being our first grow, we were paranoid about giving them to much, and only gave them 3 cups at a time, give em a good soaking?
  12. Erinn

    First time grower

    just strange that new growth had no yellowing until now.
  13. Erinn

    First time grower

    Yes, we have been doing 18 on, 6 off, the whole grow, so yes, the harvested plant was under the same schedule. It better be auto, that's what the packaging said, and what we ordered, will be disappointed if it isn't lol
  14. Erinn

    First time grower

    Took it out of the tent in front of the window, hopefully this looks clearer.
  15. 20200607_134108.jpg


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