Recent content by Euphoricpa

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  2. homer_simpson_drool.png


  3. Euphoricpa

    Bongs: Good or bad? What's you opinion?

    I use bongs 95% of the time. I just love glass.
  4. Euphoricpa

    Not So New, Not So Old.

    Re: Not So New, Not So Old... Welcome back, eh. Yeah, I said it. :winkyface:
  5. Euphoricpa

    Concealing the smell

    Sounds silly but popcorn can help hide the smell, along with some spray. Pretty soon everyone will know you're high when you eat popcorn though. :smoke2:
  6. Euphoricpa

    Anyone have an Illadelph?

    They are legit. Smooth and creamy hits and just a really good smoke. They are kind of expensive but if you can afford it than it's worth the money.
  7. Euphoricpa

    22 years ago today : DaHui was born

    Happy belated! Many more and good fortune.
  8. Euphoricpa

    Gonna post some of my poems.

    I dunno what people will think of them but I just like to write.
  9. Euphoricpa

    ShadyLady Is Very Sick

    Stay strong and get better quick. :peace:
  10. Euphoricpa

    OzStoner - Turkish Memories

    Welcome! You should make a thread and write in more detail. Very interesting stuff.
  11. Euphoricpa

    Marc Emery on CBC TV

    I agreed with 100% of that. He'll be fine.
  12. Euphoricpa

    Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz Smoking Marijuana

    Haha, "junkie". That be a super sexy session.
  13. Euphoricpa

    Which anti-cannabis commercial is tha most absurd?

    It's because if you smoke pot you have no job or hobbies, or family and friends to see and you never need to eat or use the bathroom.
  14. Euphoricpa

    Which anti-cannabis commercial is tha most absurd?

    The UFO one is so stupid and the leeches one is beyond absurd.
  15. Euphoricpa

    Smokin on Christmas?

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