Recent content by Farrider387

  1. F

    NL Auto Fems

    Are the yellowing leaves standard for auto flowers ? It's my first attempt growing Northern Lights Auto fems, and I was worried that something was wrong .
  2. F

    AVP - Already Been Vaped

    AVP - Already Been Vaped
  3. F

    AVP - Already Been Vaped

    What use can be made, if any, of AVP weed [ Already been vaped ]? It goes against the grain for me to discard all that golden colored herb, but sans the THC, can it still hold any value in producing some edible or drinkable product ? There are ,I assume, other cannabinoids present in these...
  4. F

    Help explain new glass bong accessories please

    Although an old hippie, I am new to the high tech bong world. Where can I get info about all the new [ to me ] types of glass bongs with perks and showers and what are things like pinch slides and ash catchers etc. Unfortunately I live in a non-medical marijuana state and info is hard to come by.
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