Recent content by fishingman1

  1. F

    Indoor hydroponic gardening system.worth buying?

    Re: Indoor hydroponic gardening system...worth buying? how many plants do you want it to grow and how much many are you willing to spend. and being a first timer ,, iwould start out using dirt or peat moss mix onside with a nice grow light.
  2. F

    Need Help Setting up a Hydroponic Garden!

    a first time grower should use soil the first time theres a lot of work involed in growing hydro.... your first few trys maybe failures.. hope not but they are usally failures..
  3. F

    Growing In A Fish Tank

    yes .. it is a 3 inch pot with rocks in the bottom for draining propose. the fish tank has 1/4" holes in the bottom for the over all draining. i figured with this plan i could wash the foilage somtimes when watering the plant . maybe make it like a little bonzi tree. not expecting much harvest...
  4. F

    30 seedlings - What light to use?

    if you be so kind to tell me what CLF's stands for or what kind of light this is this could work for my fish tank.
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  7. F

    Growing In A Fish Tank

    I'm needing some suggestions on how to go about this. This is just a trail run to see if I can produce about a oz from one plant at about 5 to 6 inches tall and bush it out. Posting some pictures for you to ponder over. The silver on the fish tank is foil for the relecting the light. Would to...
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