Recent content by FlexTime

  1. F

    Protesters Focus On Federal Medical Marijuana Crackdown

    I'm glad to see people protesting for something relevant for once. No offense to the occupy movement, but their efforts are misdirected for the most part. The only exception to this would be the lesser known "Occupy the Fed" movement. But in my opinion, we should start the "Occupy the White...
  2. F

    Gun Rights & Marijuana Reform -- Issues Joined!

    I saw a documentary called "Guns and Weed" and it was very well done. I strongly recommend it. At first I was very uncomfortable towards the idea of guns. As a long time liberal, I was of the persuasion that passing gun laws would eventually get the guns out of the hands of criminals. However as...
  3. F

    Obama Must Explain His Broken Promise On Medical Marijuana, And Soon

    Very good post. I agree with you that Obama should be held accountable for his words. We did not impose these expectations upon him. No, to the contrary, he gave us these expectations and this hope. I believe that having a president in office who is pro-marijuana would be a major step towards...
  4. F

    Ron Paul

    If you're an american and you want freedom; I see no other option than Ron Paul. Sure, people disagree with some of his stances.. but if you don't think that decriminalizing marijuana won't completely change the face of this great nation, you need to pack another bowl. Listen, I usually couldn't...
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