Recent content by FMFCorpsmanVet

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    Always smoking a fatty Scooby Doobie
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    Scooby Doobie with Alcopoco Gold moon rocks
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    Scooby doobie Bubba Kush moon rocks
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    Scooby Doobie Afghan Chocolope moon rocks
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    So we grow a bunch of different strains, last season Lavender Light, Alcopoco Gold, Afghan Chocolope, Bubba Kush, bubba Kush 2.0, Maui wowi. This grow season we have I believe 16 different strains going in
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    We do both, but doing a lot more outside this grow season.
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    Thanks.....We put our seeds in the ground last Wednesday, however we did have 2 small frost freeze. So if nothing is poking out of the ground by Saturday then we will redo it. Hopefully we will have some good results here soon.
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    Thanks, stay tuned for this grow season, we'll have a lot more this season
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    Thanks there will be better pictures this grow season
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    Thanks I'll have better pictures this grow season, between a few of our gardens
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    Joker, toker, and a midnight smoker

    Hello from Virginia, my name is Dave I am a FMF Corpsman Veteran, I am a avid smoker, grower, maker of 420 edibles. I also make water bongs out of liquor bottles and hookah tumbler's and I design logos. All credits go to TreeMan, he is my mentor and teacher in the grow and harvesting process
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