Recent content by GardenFan

  1. G

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    Okay, let me clarify, simply using a garden duster and applying diatomaceous earth will not stop the growth; however if you dump it on, it will do just as you suggest. You could take the dirt from the ground and have the same affect. Here is a link to a good garden duster, Garden Duster
  2. G

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    Actually DE does not slow the growing cycle of plants.
  3. G

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    If you use Diatomaceous Earth for plants, animals or people, it must be Food Grade. Food Grade Diatomaceouse Earth does NOT cause cancer. It is one of the most used organic products available. DE will not normally destroy the eggs, you must reapply it a couple of items to disrupt the pest...
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