Recent content by Goddess Green

  1. G

    Am I safe?

    Hi there! I need some advice about a urine test... I smoked ONE hit three weeks ago and before that hadn't smoked in quite while. I used to be a fairly regular user. I have a drug test coming up that could be next week or the week after that. I am a overweight, inactive female. Thanks for...
  2. G

    Advice on strangeness after smoking (Worried)

    Have you tried smoking someone else's weed to see if you get the same effect? Might want to do some experimentation to see if you can pinpoint the problem! :peacetwo:
  3. G


    From The State of Hockey, baby! :grinjoint:
  4. G


    Umm..first, I'm a dudette. :smokin: Unfortunately, I took that pic from my phone's camera which isn't that great. Trust me, this stuff is green, crystally and oh-so-delicious! Oh,'s STINKY too!
  5. G


    Re: nice!!! I agree, ItsChrome! What a nice way to celebrate 420!
  6. G


    Just toked's exactly 4:20 here in the midwest.:cool:
  7. G


    This took waaayyy too long to upload for a stoner. RoorRip I almost gave up. But here is what I'm smoking...
  8. G


    Happy 420 everyone! I'm sparkin' up a beautiful bowl of Northern Lights...:grinjoint:
  9. G

    I feel I don't get as high anymore - Any solution?

    ^^ Yes, strain tolerance may be the issue.
  10. G

    How To Hydrate Your Bud - Pictures

    ^^ Toss it! Do you want to smoke mold? Ewwwww.....
  11. G

    Medical Marijuana/Insomnia/Psyc Doc/Drug Testing

    I highly doubt your psych doc can drug test you without your explicit permission. Why would she need to? You've already admitted that you smoke it. Also, she CAN NOT tell the police what you are doing. That is breaking the patient/doctor confidentiality law. Why does it matter if she "knows"...
  12. G

    How many stoner girls do we have on this fourm

    Woman here (kind of sounds weird calling myself a "girl" considering I'm probably old enough to be a mother to some of you young 'uns!) And I would say that at least half of my female friends are stoners too! You boys/men definitely don't have a corner on the market when it comes to...
  13. G

    Help my pipe broke

    Very interesting...thanks for the link. My glass piece comes from a shop in Minneapolis called Clown Glass and the pipes they sell are all hand-blown in Minneapolis. I guess after reading that article, I should feel lucky to have such a reputable dealer right in my backyard! Clown Glass |...
  14. G

    Help my pipe broke

    Hmmm...that's contradictory to pretty much everything I've read, but I never take anything at face value when presented with alternate evidence. Could you point me in the direction of somewhere I could read about this? What is it about the "cheap" glass pipes that make it worse? How can you tell...
  15. G

    Only in California

    Nice find! Would we pot smokers have ever thought we'd see such a thing 10 years ago? :cheertwo:
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