Recent content by green house

  1. G


    hello i just wanted to say hi im just a ever day grower looking for good advice im always willing to learn to grow better green house:thankyou:
  2. G

    Cleaning a twisted Bong?

    nice bong hot water and a bottle brush and lots of luck green house
  3. G

    Do you get less high from a dirty bong?

    a dirty bong just taste nasty thats it go to your local store and buy a bottel brush cleaner for like three bucks and some hot water thats it a nice clean bong...
  4. G

    Smell proof buds?

    u need a jar that is the way to go green house
  5. G

    Hi need yo your advices for my grov room

    you are doing just fine remember to talkto your babys give them lots of love and you will do just fine and good luck if u have any questions hit me up my name says it all...
  6. G


    looks are desiving i have had shit that looks like shwag and got me crazy high green house
  7. G

    "Shotgunning" a joint

    it works well as long as u dont get burnt green house
  8. G


    resin is good if u have none other than that no good greenhouse
  9. G

    Does coughing get you higher?

    cough to get off thats the rules green house
  10. G

    Joint rolling techniques

    Re: Joint rolling techniques. get a lot of green and practice green house
  11. G

    What's the optimum temp. for a vaporizor

    try 375 to425 that is what i do green house
  12. G

    Help!Shes 2 BIG!

    bend it down and try to find more room green house
  13. G

    If you have been to Amsterdam, I need Your Help!

    never been let me know how your trip was green house
  14. G

    Sleep trouble?

    after a while u will beable to sleep but til then try sleepy time tes it will help relax u green house
  15. G

    Clean pipe keep resin?

    cleaning a pipe is art u will need to do it the old fashion way close off all the holes blow in to the pipe slowly with warm air get a paper clip and go to town after a while u will master the art of scrapeing a pipe...
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