Recent content by GrowBros

  1. G

    First Hempy Pot Run - TRF's + Supplements - Advice Welcome

    Re: First Hempy Pot Run...TRF's + Supplements...Looking for Advice/Suggestions No Responses...Well...I moved three into Hempy's today, but did not put any time release ferts in...figure I can try it in my other babies, and run a comparison against my normal regiment. If the osmocote seems to be...
  2. G

    First Hempy Pot Run - TRF's + Supplements - Advice Welcome

    So, after reading several grow journals documenting Hempy Pots, I have decided to give it a shot. I am especially interested in trying a few HempyPots with Time Released Ferts(i.e. osmocote) as outlined by DocBud in one of his grow journals. I am thinking of trying a mix of Osmocote+, Dynamite...
  3. G

    Un-Lucky Queen 12/12 Hempy

    Hey Doc, Just finished the long read on this grow...I am getting geared up to give this method a shot, and am quite excited about it! However, I was checking up on some of your more recent posts, and it seems as though you are not using this method any there a particular reason you...
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