Recent content by gypsyking

  1. G

    Anyone attempting to get grow licence?

    Bro are you kidding? I'm from Toronto Canada. This will blow your mind. Google each: Amcpr Mcrci Medical marijuana Have you been living under a rock or what?? Of course you can produce your own. If a dr signs off on allowing you to use medical marijuana then it's cool. But google those...
  2. G

    Anyone attempting to get grow licence?

    Of course you can. There are drs in bc that still prescribe production licences if patients meet the criteria for having a licence Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
  3. G

    Anyone attempting to get grow licence?

    Hey how do I get licensed to produce my personal. I found a dr in b.c. But the guy needs a referral from my dr and he doesn't support weed as a bud. But he's prescribed me Oxyies,perks, and marijuana pills. Anyone have any advice on turning oxyies into a grow licence?? Sent from my iPhone...
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