Recent content by Hashishh

  1. H

    U/A In as little as 2 weeks Synthetic again or Detox?

    Okay thanks. I ordered some through testclear so I'll see how that works. I'll just use distilled water like you mentioned in your post and hope for the best. I did however notice testclear didn't offer the option for male or female powdered urine, so that's the only drawback I've seen so far...
  2. H

    U/A In as little as 2 weeks Synthetic again or Detox?

    Powdered urine seems like my best bet at this point, but the only thing I'm worried about is the type of water I'm to use. Wouldn't they pick up on unusual chlorine and excess mineral levels? Do I just use distilled water rather than tap water? Sorry this is the first time I've heard of powdered...
  3. H

    U/A In as little as 2 weeks Synthetic again or Detox?

    Hey guys let me just say first of all, I was recently let go by my employer for failure to produce a urine sample. I was pulled aside as the company I was working for decided there was just cause for me to supply a urine sample. I had a bottle of QF 6.0 I had bought about 4 months ago and...
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