Recent content by hunter326

  1. H

    Candida CD-1

    looks like Candida took 2nd at the spannabis cup in assuming in cbd strains
  2. H

    Candida CD-1

    cool excited to see how she weights out
  3. H

    Candida CD-1

    just 1 Candida?
  4. H

    Candida CD-1

    how many plants was that?
  5. H

    Candida CD-1

    interesting drying location lol
  6. H

    Candida CD-1

    try the strain lavender works great for my anxiety
  7. H

    Candida CD-1

    try the strain lavender
  8. H

    Candida CD-1

    only a few of the nutes she has would be considered organic however I'd definitely like to look into organics. she carries innovating plant products
  9. H

    Candida CD-1

    I plan on going organic. luckily my aunt owns a head shop and I'm able to get most of my materials thru her at the moment i cant remember the brand of nutes she carries
  10. H

    Candida CD-1

    hey guys new to the site and to growing. about start my medical grow and chose Candida was wondering if you yet had any specific tips yet or if this strain likes pruning or heavy feeding?
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