Recent content by Jade88

  1. 4B5751D7-201A-49E0-AA17-324D8CB19C4A.jpeg


    What 97.3% pure looks like
  2. 14612525-1FF5-4501-8AE0-427518520729.jpeg


    Oil results
  3. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    This oil has no resistance and I shot it half way up mums cupboard because I thought it would be hard to get out. I only squeezed the syringe gently too! I’m going to try and get our money back 🤞🏼I’m not giving it to her. And I’ll make my own. With this online community I feel like I am more...
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  5. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    Hey Joe, I followed panacea’s instructions but no bubbles at all. It thickened you though but it seems very dark, it’s very much like BBQ sauce consistency and colour
  6. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    I’m getting so disheartened here! That’s two lots of oils that aren’t right. This second oil smells like red wine or port it’s more liquid than oil and it’s got bits all through it 😩 can we use a high THC butter instead to treat her?
  7. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    This is the oil we have now, I’m trying to source a thermometer to keep track of the oil temp - it’s the temp of CCO or the cooking oil? Sorry for the million questions
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  9. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    So this part is finished? It looks like the consistency of the oil I have now - it’s not sticky but a runny consistency. Can I use a glass container to purge? Or does it have to be stainless steel?
  10. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    Thank you so much for this Panacea 🥰
  11. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    The old one was black and sticky but had a weird smell. This one is black but it’s watery, (photo below) I’m going to purge it and see what happens - I’ll post what I do. What’s the Herxheimer effect?
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  13. Jade88

    BioBombs: Cannabis Oil With A Kick

    Update: found out the guy that made the CCO used butane as the solvent 🙄 this is why it was burning her. We have new oil. Made from girl Scout cookies. Also can anyone point me in the direction of a feed or anything in regards to what people have experienced in symptoms and such when using the...
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