Recent content by jimmybrewer

  1. jimmybrewer

    Starting autos in Living Organic Soil then in flower add nutes to harvest?

    I don't think I killed of the microbes since I only used water from a stream and rain water and ph'd to 6.5 Used vinagar and baking soda. Once in flower the problem showed up. Veg was vary green and rapid. I read in forums that organic teas and dressings take a week or more to be available to...
  2. jimmybrewer

    Starting autos in Living Organic Soil then in flower add nutes to harvest?

    I have three - 3 gallon bags with Natures Living Soil concentrate in the bottom 1/3 with Roots organic soil. Can I use this setup until flowering and then feed nutes like Mega Crop food + Flower Fuel to get them to harvest? My current grow I am doing this as an experiment because they used up...
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  5. jimmybrewer

    Autos in organic living soil used up all nutrients

    That's interesting. What size pot was she in? Did she put out decent buds at harvest?
  6. jimmybrewer

    Autos in organic living soil used up all nutrients

    Thanks Butler. Do you have a favorite nute line preference?
  7. jimmybrewer

    Autos in organic living soil used up all nutrients

    My two auto plant Zkittles and Alaskan Purple are looking nute hungry in mid flower. They have about 3-4 weeks to finish. They have brown spots developing mostly on top. I top dressed with worm castings and Dr. Earth's Flower Girl dry amendments. Should I start feeding them synthetic nutes to...
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  11. jimmybrewer

    Fingers crossed for seeds, COVID19

    Received this email From Seedsman today. Placed order by Bank BIllpay on June 11th from the states. I want to get a crop growing outdoors this season. Cutting it close. Stock is now reserved for your order. Therefore, we can not make any further alterations or additions Your order has now...
  12. jimmybrewer

    Stealth indoor grow advice needed

    Yeah I think you make very good points. The risk vs rewards factor is too high. I was ready to order the equipment for indoor growing. Time to plan an outdoor grow for autos. A lot less risky I think. I can only be a Guerilla grower at this point. I can't wait to get my own place. Thanks.
  13. jimmybrewer

    Stealth indoor grow advice needed

    I want to set up a 4'x2'x5' grow tent in my closet. I will grow 2 Quick Ones auto's and have a 6" inline carbon filter venting out to the closet. I don't have a window to vent out nearby though. Will the carbon filter remove the smell of the flowering stage? Or do I need to vent outside? Thanks.
  14. jimmybrewer

    Strange webbing on my plant: I hope just harmless spider

    That's good to know about neem oil. I will try it out after i cut away the browned buds. I hope I can save the plant.
  15. jimmybrewer

    Strange webbing on my plant: I hope just harmless spider

    I looked into it and i think It has bud rot. The white webs look like mold mycellium. The brown spots are mold/rot. I will get out to them first thing tomorrow.
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