Recent content by Justgrowinit

  1. J

    Prices Of Hash

    Gold Seal, Black, Red Tab, Brown, Blonde, Moroccan etc. These were the terms I heard all the time in high school (early 80s). In Ontario Canada you couldn't walk down the high school halls or downtown without someone walking by you and quietly whispering "Hash man?" lol Was the first form of...
  2. J

    Hi and hello

    High everyone, I appreciate all the warm welcomes and thread links. Tons to read over with a coffee and some smoke (well I Volcano most of my flower now a days:volcano-smiley:) but ya know what I'm mean. I live in Ontario, Canada and it's Thanksgiving weekend, so happy Thanksgiving all my...
  3. J

    Hi and hello

    First time forum user but long, long time partaker of sweet mj. A few things in life stand out like snapshot moments in time, deeply embedded in our psyche. Like a child being born, a first kiss, our very first toke;) Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello as I feel it's only proper...
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