Recent content by Jypsydog

  1. Jypsydog

    Mars Hydro TSL 2000 LED Grow Light

    Squeaky Wheel gets the oil, you act like you own stock in Mars. I'm about to buy a couple of new lights, how they resolve this matters to me.
  2. Jypsydog

    Opinions and advice are welcome

    You need a microscope.
  3. Jypsydog

    Brown on leaves

    Looks like a CA issue. Foliar feeding fastest way to fix. Leafe Hoppers the only other thing I know that stipples like that.
  4. Jypsydog

    Opinions and advice are welcome

    Folier feed a couple of times and monitor. Betting your problems don't ever get higher than the lower third.
  5. Jypsydog

    Opinions and advice are welcome
  6. Jypsydog

    Opinions and advice are welcome

    Calcium issues.... NOT Spider Mite Picture.
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  8. Jypsydog

    Possible deficiency or excess?

    Easiest Intro to CoCo yet..
  9. Jypsydog

    Opinions and advice are welcome

    Looks like she's struggling for calcium. Foliar feed if you have it.
  10. Jypsydog

    Hempy Headquarters

    70/30 Lucas
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