Recent content by Killuminati

  1. Killuminati

    1st grow DIY aeroponics

    What's good man? Haven't seen a post in a while. I hope you didn't lose your babies, best of luck to ya.
  2. Killuminati

    1st grow DIY aeroponics

    I like your setup on draining the res. I just use a wet-vac to drain mine out. I wish I could help with the white leaves problem, but I haven't dealt with that either. I keep my res pH between 5.5 and 5.8, general consensus is a pH between 5.0 and 6.0 for hydro/aero. I also ended up swithching...
  3. Killuminati

    1st grow DIY aeroponics

    Your setup looks nice. I am curious as to how you plan on accessing your reservoir to test the ppm and pH of the nute solution. I also think it would be beneficial to add another airstone or two. IME, aeroponics requires a good deal of attention to the nutrient solution, just be prepared to do a...
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