Recent content by Knowmadic

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  7. K

    Nute or Light Problem?

    I'm using a space bucket and most people seem to just plant straight into the bucket, it has worked well in the past. These two seedlings were in solo cups, not the standard space bucket. I might try cutting the cup in half to match the level of soil in the bucket and then transplant that way.
  8. K

    Nute or Light Problem?

    They appear to be fungus gnats after further research. Easy to get rid of. I currently just flushed this new bag of perlite 3 times and am baking in the oven to dry off / burn the time release nutes. Got my real seeds here now so will be mixing 25% perlite with 75% FFOF. Hopefully the soil was...
  9. K

    Nute or Light Problem?

    No offense at all, I came here for help after all! Yes, both containers have holes in the bottom with a layer of perlite on the bottom so it doesn't pool. My confusion also stems from the initial flourishing and then the sudden death. That is why I tried adjusting the light.. Everything is...
  10. K

    Nute or Light Problem?

    Strain - Cheese (Indoors) Soil - Just Natural Organic Potting Mix (NPK = 6-9-6 & 0.048% slow release of Nitrogen) Temp - 81-82F Average, 86F Max, 63F Low Humidity - 43-46% Average, 62% Max, 34% Min Water Schedule - Approximately every 4-5 days Light Schedule - 18-6 (~3-3.5 weeks old) -Apollo...
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