Recent content by LadyT923

  1. L


    This isnt the best picture but , the leaves are turing inwards does anybody know why they are turning ? Could it be mutation ?
  2. Screenshot_20210610-204546.png


  3. L


    Update the little one still hasnt grown meanwhile the other ones keep sprouting . Should I just pull the little one up ? The 2 little leaves are still green should I wait any longer its been 2 weeks
  4. L


    Yes i meant to say that they are abt 4 days old but they all have gotten bigger with leaves and the other one is still real small thats the one im really concerned abt
  5. L


    I have 2 clip fans in there and a humidifier i think it may just be a watering issue going on
  6. L


    Only 2 of my plants are 2 weeks old not the the other 4 the other 4 plants are like 3 to 4 days old
  7. L


    Tsw 2000 mars hydro
  8. L


    So I should just continue to water it , im so scared that its never going to grow like the other ones
  9. L


    Yes i thought maybe it was a slow starter it literally hasnt made any changes so im going to just give it a couple more days
  10. L


    Heyyy everybody im a new grower and me and my husband recently planted these abt 2 weeks ago we have a total of 6 they are auto flowers but one is a regular sees but as u can see they are growing pretty big and sprouting however the 1st picture is of one of the auto flowers thats hasnt been...
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