Recent content by Ligz0987

  1. Ligz0987

    Wilkinsburg Police Seize 220 Pot Plants

    Yeah Dr, I've seen that one, The one that was funny as well was on reno911 when terry was trippin and... i can't remember entirely, but something happened where he bolted up the hill and tripped wicked hard, laff. Great show. as for the OP & others, Yes they ALWAYS blow the number up, like...
  2. Ligz0987

    War On Drugs Is Insane

    Someone described insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. That man was Albert Einstein.
  3. Ligz0987

    Interesting thoughts you've had while stoned?

    The most interesting one that i can recall accurately right now would be the one time when I started to think about everything as a science experiment like we were lab rats. I got goin' on about how the universe could be a very well painted box and we're about the size of an atom or so in the...
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