Recent content by londoner62

  1. L

    Looking for DR in London Ont or surrounding area

    yea thanks....we get that alot ...if we dont say London, Canada they think its London, Im hoping I can get my license.. I think its pretty stupid that I have been seeing my pain management doctor for over 2 years now and because he is not specialized in that field he can...
  2. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    well im not sure if its going back on wed and im gonna ask some more questions then i will let you know exactly what this program is all about....i just got a email from the Do No Harm Clinic which are in BC and was gonna help me in getting my license for a price of course...but...
  3. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    Hi sorry i have been sooo busy....i did find a place but they dont offer to help you find a doctor....they just sell it to you for a bit cheaper until you can get your i guess we need to find a specialists to help us out in signing this dam form from health canada.....but im still...
  4. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    woohoo puff puff pass
  5. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    thanks whitehouse it will bringing in all my paperwork on thursday after i see my doctor and I should have my license within 3 weeks.....wooohoooooo:high-five:
  6. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    thats awsome Whitehouse...i know the feeling..i am doing the same but not with the government with the compassionate group....they are willing to help me get my card and i dont need a specialist right away hopefully i will be able to get this all done before the end of july....yeaaaaaaa
  7. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    wow well said primebadboy....but all the doctors beleive you need to have a specialist sign the also trying to get my card through the "do no harm clinic" and they also said that without a specialist signing the required paper ...Health Canada wont even look at your
  8. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    Hey no problem glasseye ..everyone here is aloud to rant and rave...might as well at least in the forum we i hear ya..its soo fustrating...why would the government do anything that will help us you said the doctors are doing it cause they wont get their...
  9. L

    Hi: Newbie from London, Ont

    Hi everyone just wanted to introduce myself. and let you know that I also am looking for a doctor or specialist in order to get my papers signed and approved. Its very hard trying to find one without waiting 6-10 months just to get in to see him/her. A little bit about 48 years...
  10. L

    Looking for DR in London Ont or surrounding area

    Hi there Im also looking for a doctor in London...I have suffered with fibromyalgia since 1995 and was in a car accident 3 years ago and have 2 bulging discs now and have been on soo many kinds of pain medication but my body gets use to them and so I have to try a different one. I also go once...
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