Recent content by MrLuv2Grow

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    420's MrLuv2Grow First Journal 2021

    It's been a while since I've updated this journal. The girls and I went through some pest problems, my mistake of using neem oil which literally burned the leaves, and nursing them back to health. Here they are now... my next update should be around harvest time. Happy growing to all, and...
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    420's MrLuv2Grow First Journal 2021

    Thank you will take your advice and try to get my hands on some perlite. I have neem oil on the way to try and deal with the pest problem, it is as you said and she's looking good today. The sun finally came out but still raining on a daily basis here. I'm fairly excited that she's growing...
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    420's MrLuv2Grow First Journal 2021

    Today Monday July 26, the seemingly endless torrential downpour has come to a pause. At this time 8:20am the sun battles to come through the thick clouds that has taken over the skies for the past nine days. Finally, after what felt like ages, I am able to take my babies to their usual spot...
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  14. M

    Racefan Help

    wish I found and read this sooner. Removed the damaged leaves from my other plant lols... Thanks for posting this... I'll lay off the scissors hehehe.
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    420's MrLuv2Grow First Journal 2021

    Moved one of my girls today into a 5 gal breathable fabric pot. This time she's in 75% garden soil and 25% vermicast. She's growing fast and I wanted to give her a better living space. Unfortunately for the other lass, she started showing signs of Nitrogen deficiency: and so I decided not...
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