Recent content by MtnHippy

  1. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because if I get them, then I get to see an 80 year old and a Mountainman naked.
  2. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because Life is short, plant pot.
  3. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I deserve them.
  4. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because This contest finally made me actually start posting instead of just reading.
  5. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I will grow them into lovely plants.
  6. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I just do, that's all!
  7. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I like contests.
  8. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I would plant them asap.
  9. M

    Herbies December Throw Back Competition

    I want those seeds because I don't have any money to buy some.
  10. M

    How many hours of light do I need for veg growth?

    Thank you for the reply, DonPaul. I'm delighted to learn about the one hour of light to stop flowering. It isn't a matter of cost of electricity. It's a matter of not having it. I live off grid and make my own. I have a very limited amount. So, it sounds to me like I had better start as many...
  11. M

    How many hours of light do I need for veg growth?

    I have a question mildly related to light levels (can't post a new thread yet as I'm a newbie). Anyway, I am growing mmj in natural light outdoors. Sometime later this month, I'll manage to get some plastic over the frame, turning the growing area into a greenhouse, so that the plants will have...
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