Recent content by NGC7089

  1. NGC7089

    Seedling stage going slow?

    I think I've messed my watering up with on the side of overwatering them. However, I usually always check the top 2cm to see how dry is, and water all around not just one spot, usually once every day, but now I've cut back since the humiduty was over 60% recently. Now I watch it more closely and...
  2. NGC7089

    Seedling stage going slow?

    I think they yellowing is a cause of my CFL lights are starting to lack power for these guys. I'm gonna move them outside during the weekend, I hope the sun heals them 🌞 :)
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  5. NGC7089

    Seedling stage going slow?

    Yea, i still have a few seeds left, next year I'm im gonna put them to use in mid/late May. I'll update if anything comes up :) either way!
  6. NGC7089

    Seedling stage going slow?

    Yes, I'm sadly a bit late with this, but I figured I give it a go anyway. Sometimes the summer is long and I thought with a greenhouse I could manage it. I'm located in 46N 25E. RH - bud rot- will be a problem for sure, i have to think and plan for that, good ventilation will be a must. Thank you!
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  11. NGC7089

    Seedling stage going slow?

    Hi.:yummy: First time grower here, I have 3 autos, I germinated them at Aug. 2, and put them in the soil 36 hours later, they got this far, cant tell if this is normal. What I've seen they should be much larger at day 10-11? Cant tell what I'm doing wrong or just thats the way the seeds are. I...
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