Recent content by nonsane

  1. nonsane

    Knocked Up

    this was such a good movie, i want to go back to the theater again. And i've never wanted to do that before.
  2. nonsane

    Canberra2007. Please take the time to read my introduction

    imo quota's, although they exist should be unconstitional. What if for one day, no one breaks the law? innocent people would get tickets to maintain quota.
  3. nonsane

    Canberra2007. Please take the time to read my introduction

    The truth about cannabis needs to be put out. There is so much misinformation it can be difficulty to make the right decision. Alot of decisions about prohibition are made on misinformation and staged results. (ever see the commercial where they mention smoking pot and show a ruined brain made...
  4. nonsane

    Voodoo Vaporizers

    Re: voodoo vaporizors I've known a couple people who've gotten cheap vapes like that, and they are never happy with it. i've had the herbal aire for about 3 months now. Cost 180$CAD It's really good. The pump is separate so if it craps out, you can go to a pet store and get a fish pump...
  5. nonsane

    Modern day hippies?

    weed really helps bring a new wave of thinking. Whether or not that is a good thing is up to you. lol.
  6. nonsane

    Modern day hippies?

    I'm a hippy for the most part. I think people should be free to what they want should it not inflict on others. :peace: But i'm not a vegitarian. :bong:
  7. nonsane

    Epiphany of Degus

    yes, they use chinchilla dust just like a chinchilla! you are right on
  8. nonsane

    Epiphany of Degus

    I had this epiphany the other day. My degu runs on his wheel, and wacks himself in the head every time. It looks really dumb. And alot of my friends have tried to understand how he tolerate that or maybe even enjoy it. Then i realized if a degu is in the wild, running away from a predator...
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