Recent content by ogtank

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  4. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    What kind of sprayer would you recommend? -ogtank
  5. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    Yeah... Definitely NOT the same. But the idea of buds and water was what I was trying to get though to other people who might be hesitant to try Bud Washing. Just an extra example of how people do similar things to their buds. I am aware that there is no other "Bud Washing" technique before this...
  6. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    Oh. Cool-cool. Thanks for the confirmation. Did it really originate from overseas? Do you know if the original idea for washing had anything to do with water curing? Is Water Curing a more popular method? -ogtank
  7. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    That's really cool. Glad I know where it came from originally. The books I'm talking about have some other references for the methods. But this thread has been around longer than the books, so I know it originated here. And the books aren't exactly like yours, so it's not like they are...
  8. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    I am definitely considering this for my next wash. It's funny how many people just don't use this method. Many of my friends tell me they've never heard about washing/rinsing and that it's not in any of the new books, talks, blogs, etc. But once I started washing, I noticed that there is...
  9. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    Thank you for the Welcome Brother. -ogtank
  10. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    No detergents at all. Just really warm water and cool water. I would dunk the branches in for about 5 seconds, then bring them up and dunk them back in for another 10 seconds. I would do this set of 5 and 10 about 5 times. I was not rough, but not easy either. I would change the water for each...
  11. ogtank

    Bud Washing

    I haven't smoked for years. Since high school actually (15+ years ago). I decided to try some of the washed bud after all the positive reviews and feedback I received from my patients. The Strain: Strawberry Cake (HeavyWeight Seeds) Washed Bud / 2 Hits from a Pipe: It was easy to smoke...
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