Recent content by oldred28

  1. oldred28

    High On Romney

    "I can't nullify congressional law. I can't ask the Justice Department to say, 'Ignore completely a federal law that's on the books" isn't he under oath to correct the wrongs? he instead supports terrorism against American People by federal agents paid for by the people he terorizes.
  2. oldred28

    Fight To Legalize Marijuana Possession In Detroit Hits Roadblock

    always some idiot trying to stop progress.
  3. oldred28

    Farr Comes To The Defense Of Medical Marijuana

    About time they start standing up for what is right! Reps. Sam Farr, D-Carmel, Dana Rohrabacher, R-Costa Mesa, and Maurice Hinchey, D-New York. three names I am sure to remember.
  4. oldred28

    The Law Says

    Cop's sure seem to be making themselves look bad an aufull lot lately! hope they win the lawsuit.
  5. oldred28

    Officer Arrested In Connection With Marijuana Growing Operation

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Personally, I love it when Cop's get busted for weed!
  6. oldred28

    Lawmakers In 5 States Tell Feds To Back Off Medical Marijuana

    Imagine, all 50 states making their own laws. gee just what our forefathers wanted for us. it's called a "republic" about time the states started sticking up for their citizens.
  7. oldred28

    Snoop Dogg 'Rolling Words': Video

    a show like that might just make me get cable.
  8. oldred28

    First time cooker - boy it stinks

    Re: First time cooker...boy it stinks water is definately better and you can re do the boil a few times to get rid of most of the bad flavor. or you can do like me and make bubble hash from the trim and or buds and use it dirctly in cookies or brownies. or you can infuse the hash into butter...
  9. oldred28

    Snoop Dogg 'Rolling Words': Video

    Gotta have one! hope they hit the stores. not really into rap, but Snoop is a helluva Warrier for the cause!:bravo: Would love to kick back with him and Willie Nelson and burn a couple fatties.
  10. oldred28

    Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers Than Non-Marijuana Users, New Study Shows

    Newshawk, I agree with everything except "Medicated or not, if your a terrible driver to start with, you are a danger to others on the road...Bottom line!" I have always been a total idiot on the road when not medicated! i need my meds in order to drive safe.
  11. oldred28

    Oaksterdam Founder To Leave Cannabis Business

    If every state individually legalizes or allows mmj, the feds would not have the resourses to keep messin around with us and the only choice then would be to reschedule. also if just 50% of potheads and patients marched on DC, they just might wake up.
  12. oldred28

    Should Marijuana Be Decriminalized In Grand Rapids?

    sounds familliar. Alcahol Killed my Father when i was four and two Stepfathers, yet most of my family smokes weed and no one has had any bad side affects Just good ones!:circle-of-love:
  13. oldred28

    Lawmakers In 5 States Tell Feds To Back Off Medical Marijuana

    Yeah, but there is no money in cures, just treatment and pot does not keep you sick and addicted like pharm's do so they cant make any long term money.
  14. art


    Grow room art by my Friend D.C.
  15. art


    Grow room art by my Friend D.C.
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