Recent content by Polantaris

  1. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    I'm not too annoyed at myself, everyone makes mistakes the first time. As long as I'm able to salvage it, which I am, it's simply a learning experience. I made some cookies with the budder I extracted earlier, and I intend to try them out soon =)
  2. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    How would I separate the budder from the water at all? It's already cooled, and because of the width in the container, the it's too thin of a solid and it breaks back up in the water when I touch it, or even move the container. Should I boil the water more to lower the amount of water present...
  3. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    I appreciate the help on this. I'm just does that work? Wouldn't the excessive amount of water still be mixed in with the butter?
  4. P

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    Great guide. Unfortunately I used a different guide earlier when I made some butter myself. I have a problem to go with. There's a lot of water left over, and the container I used as a result is way too wide. It caused the butter to thicken in an extremely thin layer, and I'm having issues...
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