Recent content by ppltakepower

  1. P

    End prohibition! Please read!

    I am so happy that a couple of you are getting this!!! you know the state of things makes me sick, you guys pointed out that there are so many organizations and web sites not just dedicated to ending prohibition but speaking out about whats wrong and provididng real information to counter the...
  2. P

    End prohibition! Please read!

    Re: End prohibition!!! Please read! Thank you! I agree! But this issue is not limited to cannabis users, it genuinley effects everyone. This is one simple thing i can do to move us closer to legalization please share this with everyone and lets make a difference!
  3. P

    End prohibition! Please read!

    The war on drugs is a resounding failure! Think about it for a minute you have come here to an internet message board to learn about something that your regular life has not prepared you for. You have come here to gain knowledge on a subject that many consider taboo, but how unfortunate is...
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