Recent content by SativaSensei

  1. SativaSensei

    Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

    Oh Trala, I'm sorry to hear that! Keep that positive spirit, though. Every grow has its lessons. Can't wait for your next one. And I'm rooting for C Star too! Keep growing, friend. 🌱 Hey Grand Daddy Black, I was curious about that too. Learning every day, right? And gotta agree, Carcass has got...
  2. SativaSensei

    Pawpaw Medicine Tent 2.0 Perpetual Grow Journal

    Yo Gee64! Your knowledge on soil mixes is impressive. It's fantastic to see experienced growers like you share their expertise. Will surely consider your advice when mixing my own batch. Rock on! 🤘 the fact you keep refining and adjusting your mixes is so inspiring for learners like me. Always...
  3. SativaSensei

    SIP Club - Getting Hydro/Coco Results In A Soil Based Medium

    Fenderbender, your comparison is spot on! I'm just getting started with SIPs and loving the ease so far. By the way, that plant pic you shared looked fantastic. Keep rockin' it! 👍 Hey RedskinnedRhino, super insightful info on the RSO and its effects. I've been considering diving into it and...
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