Recent content by SlickJonz

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  10. S

    Nute lockout - CalMag Def - N toxicity?

    I have to take a soil sample, allow it to dry, and then I have various cylinders to measure and pour into. Some of the water they get is alkaline, but since the soil still reads acidic, I didn't think unpHed water would hurt them much.
  11. S

    Nute lockout - CalMag Def - N toxicity?

    It has begun to affect other leaves too, and thats why I'm sure it is something I can control. My foliar spray is P & K heavy, but I don't use often. I'm sure this is partially to blame. About two weeks ago, I doubled up on the veg nutes. Makes sense they show signs now. Salt buildup in those...
  12. S

    Nute lockout - CalMag Def - N toxicity?

    Is this is the wrong forum? Not one single person has chimed in...
  13. S

    Nute lockout - CalMag Def - N toxicity?

    That shouod say were getting. I have switched to a low N fert for about last two feedings. Practically once I saw the pistils, I stopped with the 16-16-16 and went with a 3-20-20.
  14. S

    Nute lockout - CalMag Def - N toxicity?

    My two most potent plants are suffering from what appears to be nitrogen toxicity/Calcium Magnesium lockout/deficiency. The leaves are cupping under somewhat, and they have yellowing/browning spots that aren't along the veins of the leaf, but only on the broad parts filled with chlorophyll...
  15. S

    First Time Grower's Odyssey

    BlueOG Maui Pineapple Chunk Blu OG Blue OG Blu OG San Fernando Valley OG Candyland Candyland
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