Recent content by slosmokin

  1. 1667507522292.png


  2. slosmokin

    The Outdoor 8

    Here is a pic of Indo Haze, she is really heavy and falling all over the place. I have too many ties on her to count... She smells like strong citrus, similar to jack.
  3. IMG_30647


  4. slosmokin

    The Outdoor 8

    Here are some pictures I took with my USB microscope. GSC Indo Haze Blackwater Blue Dream Cherry Pie GDP x AK47 Ultra Diesel
  5. Indo haze

    Indo haze

  6. GSC


  7. Diesel


  8. Blackwater


  9. Gdp x Ak47

    Gdp x Ak47

  10. Blue Dream

    Blue Dream

  11. Cherry Pie

    Cherry Pie

  12. slosmokin

    The Outdoor 8

    Thanks for the kind words bud, I appreciate it. I am a bit intimidated by the trimming this year, the last few outdoor runs I have done a quick trim removing everything without sugar first. I then let it dry in my room set at 70F 45% Hum for about 7 days. Next I do a close trim and save all the...
  13. slosmokin

    The Outdoor 8

    I'm back... Sorry life gets busy and such.. So, the girls are monsters, the biggest I have grown before. The Kandy Kush wanted to be tall, I must have topped/ Pinched/pulled down branches over 50 times. They finally stopped growing in height about a week ago, and 4/8 are the exact height of my...
  14. IMG_30313


  15. IMG_30299


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