Recent content by Sparker

  1. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    Shit man I ordered my first light from them around 10 years ago and haven't seen the feds yet, lol. I'd use a friends address just for an added layer of safety. You know where the lights came from and yeah I was like is this shit a setup or what. I was just beginning to grow 10 years ago...
  2. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    With Craigslist you may get ripped off but you can also get a kick ass deal. You're gambling a bit. You might get the light home and it starts smoking. Back to my original messages you can get all kinds of badass equipment for cheap if you know where to look. The best place for cheap...
  3. Sparker

    Hate to move but am willing.

    Nice man. Yeah I have a solid connection for years and years here in Austin. It's 500 an OZ, 150 a 1/4 OZ. He has like 2-3 primo strains and always a LB of shwag around. The shwag is just nasty ass mexican brick seeds/stems out the ass. I've tried several other people over the years...
  4. Sparker

    Hate to move but am willing.

    Depends who you know I suppose. I could go get a LB of shwag but all the shwag I seen the past few years is disgusting! 600$ will only get you an OZ of primo bud. All shwag does for me is give me a headache. RoorRip
  5. Sparker

    Hate to move but am willing.

    I live near you and all I gotta say is I'm looking for a way to move to California myself. My elderly parents and my medical bills/condition have been my largest obstacle. It sucks around here for weed. You get a good connection they fizzle fast. Or it's expensive as hell like the 150-175$ a...
  6. Sparker


    Here's you some good guides- Look under pruning shows you how to top several ways. Drugs-Forum - Cannabis cultivation: Overgrow's GrowFAQ
  7. Sparker

    Just need that bad news confirmation

    I remember doing a crop and it was like 10 males out of 15 plants. That was sucky sucky. But I've been on the other end too and had 100% females. It's all the luck of the draw. How would you calculate a 7 to 1 ratio? Every seed is different. If I ever get the room for a veg area it will...
  8. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    LOL yeah man once you start growing you start learning! I've grown since 1997 and still am learning, buying, upgrading. Right now I am coming off a couple of year break and finally cleaned my grow room! Had to just buy for 2 years due to health and well some paranoia lol. Good to be a bit...
  9. Sparker

    Nirvana Seeds Crystal?

    Several years ago on Overgrow 'Gypsy Nirvana' was the name the guy went by and he was heavily into that site. Not sure where he is these days but obviously still around since his shops going strong. He was always a very honest and cool guy. Ordered a few times from him and honestly the...
  10. Sparker

    smallest plant?

    Prune it like a banzai tree! And yeah grab an indica =) Shortest best plant I ever grew was Sweettooth #3. One and a half feet of pure bud. Think I got 3 oz's off that little guy.
  11. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    Sorry if I seemed negative because I would never think of discouraging someone from growing! Just trying to be realistic and help you out is all! Like the guy above me said he got a light + bulb for 50$. You should save up and buy yourself one because you will not regret it. My first grows...
  12. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    To each their own I guess. All I have is my personal experience to go by and it wasn't good. The only thing that changed was the light and I never looked back. Yes you can grow even bud weed with them. The weed tasted like shit and you could tell something was wrong. Changed to a HPS...
  13. Sparker

    LoveYourLife's First Grow. Closet w/bagseed.

    Yeah bro I wish you the best of luck! Some people have done some amazing shit with flouro's but i'm not one of them :grinjoint: When I very first started growing I experimented with them and it just isn't the same as a MH or HPS light of the same voltage. The buds were scrawny and the weed...
  14. Sparker

    How can I build my own HPS or MH light system?

    Good post but let me be a bit of a devil's advocate. You shouldn't mess with electronic wiring unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing. Do you know how many stoners have fried themself wiring electricity? One screw up you don't get a second chance. Anyway! As someone who's seen what...
  15. Sparker

    Hi and any old Overgrowers?

    Awesome! Wow I can't believe the amazing faq still lives!! We had some fun back then. I remember I won the contest for naming Bushyoldgrowers first batch of seeds Bogglegum! That was like one of the happiest days of my life, hahah. Such a shame my epic garden with rare strains are no...
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