Recent content by speshuldusty

  1. S

    Boston Firefighter Resigns After Drug Raid

    IR is infrared. And I say drug lord because he sells it. Everyone seems to become this cool guy dealer and lose hold of the communal mindset and helpfulness that moderate marijuana use seems to evoke from within our psyche.
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    Boston Firefighter Resigns After Drug Raid

    I spread the seeds for everyone. I don't ever sell weed, I just give it away if I have it. It isn't worth money, and someone growing 131 plants is in it for money because of that outrageous elec bill. Not to mention, it competed with other plants before we discovered it, so why not let it...
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    Claims of Dangerous 10% Pot Potency Debunked

    ummmmm.... even at 100%, thc isn't dangerous. All THC does is activate an endocannibinoid receptor that temporaily blocks the production of GABA inhibitors at many specific parts of your brain. The lethal dose is like impossible to reach.
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    Boston Firefighter Resigns After Drug Raid

    131 plants is a little more than a good guy's growing. This was a drug dealer who got greedy for money. He didn't pay his taxes on that extreme profit, and therefore I can't really say he didn't deserve it. Now, if he donate dmoney like crazy and had a case for his crime scene I would be more...
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    HugeGrins Vaporizer Review

    well, I must admit you can only hit it once vaping before its hot, its not what you'd use inside the home. I like it because I do weed occasionally on the go and in small amount to really enjoy it instead of smoking every day. So I don't worry about the heat because the first big vape gets me...
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    HugeGrins Vaporizer Review

    Hey, I have this thing and it rocks. Yeah it gets hot if you keep vaping rapidly... stop smoking so much. Relax and enjoy your shit, not chasing fucking dragon by hitting rapidly. This thing is small, works, can be turned around and smoked as a normal pipe instantly, and I've never baked away...
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