Recent content by thepwninatoer

  1. T

    What Is 420: Transforming The Universal Code Into A Collective Consciousness

    birdseyeview he is a character on the show soth park his catch fraze is "hey ya wana get high" in a distinctly stoner voice then he will pull out a joint or bong most of the time and start smoking. his name is towelie because he is a talking towel.
  2. T

    What Is 420: Transforming The Universal Code Into A Collective Consciousness

    birdseyeview he is a character from the show soth park his catch fraze is "hey wana get high" in a distictly stoner voice then he will pull out a bong or joint most of the time and smoke it. his name is towelie because his is a talking towel. 420:thumb:
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