Recent content by Tokey

  1. Tokey


    Im not new to smoking I just didnt know what it was. Fuck it, I cant go pro in smoking anyway, why try to make a career out of knowing every smoking apparatus when bong, blunt, and j get the job done.
  2. Tokey


    In that case its pretty badass.
  3. Tokey


    I might sound like an idiot, but whats the difference between a bubbler and a regular pipe? The only thing I see different between the two is that it has that sort of grip (I guess) at the bottom.
  4. Tokey

    Shout up the house

    Smooth move you jerk off. Luckily enough you didnt kill anyone.
  5. Tokey

    PA. - Teen Finds Marijuana Brick on Beach

    Are you fucking serious? I feel sick right now..........
  6. Tokey

    First time you were high

    My technical 1st time was with my cousins in the summer of my junior year. I didnt really get high but that might have been cuz the bowl in their bong was cashed. I was still hitting it even when there was nothing to smoke cuz that was their last bowl, thas why I call it my technical 1st time...
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