Recent content by Volcano owner

  1. V

    COPD and vaporizing

    No I haven't. My pulse ox is 97. Holding steady for a year now. I vap between 1 or 1/2 oz of material per month.
  2. V

    COPD and vaporizing

    That's a valid question. Do some research and see what you can find out and then post your findings here to share with us.
  3. V

    COPD and vaporizing

    An accurate test is done by inserting a needle deep in your arm into the main artery drawing a blood sample and measuring your blood gas level.
  4. V

    COPD and vaporizing

    Pulse Ox in not an accurate measurement but no difference I can tell.I set the heat range dial between 4-5.
  5. V

    COPD and vaporizing

    I have COPD and use a volcano in an enclosed bedroom.If you fill the bag with vapor and just set it down for a while the vapor will attach to the inside surface of the bag.A sticky resin.This resin vapor attaches to walls and fabric leaving a burnt dusty odor in the room.Because I have bad lungs...
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