Recent content by yodan69

  1. Y

    Bright yellow spots and curling leaves on my auto

    Hey guys, I've been noticing some strange changes in my auto's leaves. Some leaves are curling upwards and have bright yellow areas. In some of these bright yellow areas are darker brownish spots. Personally I think it could be a Mg deficiency or nuteburn. Either way, I added some cal-mag and...
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  3. Y

    Roots growing into water reservoir

    Hey guys :) I'm using this GH waterfarm right here: My issue is that my plant's roots start growing into the water tank below. Now I'm not sure if that can become a problem in the future. I've had an issue before with the plant getting much bigger than expected and I thought maybe the roots...
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  5. Y

    Brown spots on leaves: Nutrient burn?

    Hey guys, I added some cal-mag to the water but I noticed it's spreading. @Emilya do you still think cal-mag is the issue? Looking at the picture from @onewarmguy , thanks by the way, I too think it might be Ca or maybe also P?
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  8. Y

    Brown spots on leaves: Nutrient burn?

    Hey guys, Yesterday I spotted some brown leaves on my plant. What do you think it is? Some information: It's a gorilla glue auto, 17 days old, grown in hydroponic. the ph is 6.0 and ec level is 0.5. I use the flora trio from GH but much less of it, the ratio between them stays the same however...
  9. Y

    Planning The 2nd Closet Grow

    Hello my fellow 420 members, I've recently been forced to harvest my first crop early due to mold. Nonetheless I'm glad I made it this far and I think there's a lot I've learned. For the next run I want to put that into action. At first I want explain how I grow and the challenges I've faced...
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  13. Y

    Dense & bushy growth: trimming in flower?

    Just out of curiosity I might actually go for another one of these as I still have some seeds left. So your advice is not to do anything? No trimming? What would be your advice for the next time to avoid a dense jungle and no light at the bottom? My two limits are height and width. I can't...
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    Dense & bushy growth: trimming in flower?

    It's been flowering for 17/18days now, so it's been on 12/12 for the +1/2 days. Alrighty, cutting it is then. Thanks for the answers guys. :)
  15. Y

    Dense & bushy growth: trimming in flower?

    Hey guys, This is my first growth and I've had some unexpected things coming up so far. It is an auto flower in a 2x2ft cupboard growing in clay pebbles. It hasn't started auto flowering until week 7 when I finally decided to switch to 12/12 and therefore grew much bigger than expected. A...
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